Within NKU's library, there are several books that can assist students in developing their own career in anthropology:
- Altimare, Emily. 2007. Beyond Ethnography: Corporate & Design Anthropology. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association. GN450.8 .B49 2007x.
- A video that uses ethnographic research conducted at the General Motors Corporation which details the use of anthropology in corporate settings.
- Briller, Sherylyn, and Amy Goldmacher. 2009. Designing an Anthropology Career: Profession Development Exercises. Lanham, Maryland: AltaMira Press. GN41.8 B75 2009
- This text is vital to any anthropology major who desire to make a career within their major. This book presents clear career focused exercises.
- Camenson, Blythe. 2005. Great Jobs for Anthropology Majors. New York: VGM Career Books. GN41.8 .C35 2005eb
- Different career opportunities in anthropology and how to make yourself presentable for the positions.
- Chambers, Erve. 1985. Applied Anthropology: A Practical Guide. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. GN27 .C45 1985
- This book provides you with information on several of the various ways of applying anthropological research and analysis to everyday social and political life.
- Eddy, Elizabeth M. and William L. Partridge, editors. 1978. Applied Anthropology in America. New York: Columbia University Press. GN397.7.U6 A66
- The purpose of the book is to provide an overview of some of the contributions of anthropology toward major policy issues which confront America, the experience of anthropologists who have chosen to work in non-academic settings for part of their careers, and the ways in which applied work in America contributes to the development of anthropology and matters of public concern.
- Erwin, Alexander M. 2008. Applied Anthropology: Tools and Perspectives for Contemporary Practice. Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon. GN 397.5.E78 2000
- This book outlines the field of applied and practicing anthropology that directly serves the practical needs of communities and organizations in society.
- Frantz, Charles. 1972. The Student Anthropologist's Handbook: A Guide to Research, Training, and Career. New Jersey: Schenkman. GN42.F7
- Goldschmidt, Walter Rochs. 1979. The Uses of Anthropology. Washington: American Anthropological Association. GN397.5 .U83
- Describes the Applications of Anthropology from the perspective of the AAA.
- Gwynne, Margaret Anderson. 2003. Applied Anthropology: A Career-oriented Approach. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
- Landham, Ruth H. 1981. Anthropological Careers: Perspectives on Research, Employment and Training: Essays Presented to the Anthropological Society of Washington During Its Centennial Year 1979. Washington D.C.: The Anthropological Society of Washington: GN41.8 .A57x
- A book, though outdated, sheds insight into the world of career anthropology with papers written on employment opportunities and career training.
- Nolan, Riall W. 2003. Anthropology in Practice: Building a Career Outside the Academy. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. GN397.5 .N63 2003
- Describes how to practice Applied Anthropology, developing a career a career, and new goals of the field.
- Omohundro, John T. 1998. Careers in Anthropology. Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Company.
- This book explains the benefits of studying anthropology, which degrees are useful for which careers, and what anthropologists do. There are chapters dedicated to job hunting, getting hired, and how to utilize anthropological methods in career fields.
- Redfield, Alden, ed. 1973. Anthropology Beyond the University. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press.
- Essays are written describing how anthropology can be, and has been used outside of the university through forensic anthropology, primate research, education system evaluation, mental health and rehabilitation fields, and within the government.
- Ryan, Alan S. 2002. Guide to Careers in Physical Anthropology. Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey.
- Gives each section of Physical Anthropology and the jobs it offers.
- Shackel, Paul A., and Erve Chambers. 2004. Places in Mind: Public Archaeology as Applied Anthropology. New York: Routledge.
- Provides a cross-section of the cutting-edge ways in which archaeologists are developing new approaches to their work with community and other stakeholder groups.
- Stephens, W. Richard. 2002. Careers in Anthropology: What an Anthropology Degree Can Do for You. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. HF5382 .S73 2002x
- Descriptions of different Anthropology careers, job descriptions, and skills needed for them.
- Van Willigen, John. 2002. Applied Anthropology: An Introduction. Westport: Bergin and Garvey. GN397.5 .V36 2002
- This book focuses on the use of methods and theories of anthropology to solve the practical problems of human communities. It includes cultural action, collaborative research, cultural brokerage, and social marketing.