The following is a partial list of careers and jobs that our anthropology alumni have pursued:
- Museums
- Archaeology companies
- Historic preservation offices
- Libraries
- Archives
- Art galleries
- Zoos
- Parks and historic sites
- Community centers
- International development agencies
- Ethnic and cultural organizations
- Antique and collectibles shops
- Environmental organizations
- Social service agencies
- Refugee/immigrant services
- Federal/state/local/tribal government
- Colleges and universities
- Teaching
- Law
- Police work and forensics
- Military human terrain projects
- Travel
- Documentary film making
- Photography
- Environmental impact assessment
- Social impact assessment
- Diversity training
- Translating and interpreting
- Bilingual education
- Cultural brokerage
- International business
- Management
- Marketing
- Personnel (Human Resources)
- Public relations
- Public administration
- Politics
- Medical and health-related jobs
- Genetics counseling
- Fund-raising
- Consulting
- International diplomacy
- Mission organizations
- Women's organizations
- Publishing
- Media
- Scientific and creative writing
- and so much more...